Sites I love: and

Once in a while there are sites that I fall in love with. I want to shout from the treetops that you have to see this to believe it. Believe it or not, I’m getting no free stuff from writing about these sites. But if they want to kick goodies my way, fine! FYI-both of these sites are FREE.


I am just another person who made a resolution to get fit and lose 20 lbs as of January 1st. And how might one peel her lazy a** off the couch and start exercising you might ask? Well, by logging into and recording the activity she engaged in that day and for how many minutes. 

There is some validation and excitement about revisiting a spot and seeing how many calories I burned, how many miles I walked, and how close I am at achieving my goal. So much so, that I have exercised every single day since Jan 1.

I typically only spend long enough on sparkpeople to log my aerobic activity and then visit a message board to encourage my brothers and sisters to keep up the fight. But if you really want to dig into a community of positive people (and I mean POSITIVE), you could stay there for an hour or so and visit other people’s “sparkpages”, find other members that have similar characteristics such as weight loss goals/geographic location/favorite aerobic activities/age. And you can keep track of what you eat and get a nutrition plan.

I explore a bit more every time I visit.


If you want to have one page bring together the blogs you read, your favorite sites, your search engines, the weather report, your to-do lists and more AND you want to have that available no matter what computer you are sitting at, you might fall in love with netvibes. It’s been around for at least a couple of years, but I discovered it on a “best of” 2007 list.

Also awesome – it is super-user friendly. You log in, you drag stuff around on the screen, it saves, you come back, it’s still there. Visit and tool around.

  1. masey

    Great to see my tutorial has helped another fellow Netviber out! Cheers for the link.

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